The Prevention Department provides educational services to schools and the community to increase awareness of issues involving Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs (ATOD), and consults with all Student Assistance Program (SAP) teams in each of the schools throughout Lower Luzerne County, providing individual assessments and/or educational support group services for selected students.

School-Based Programs
- Classroom education sessions beginning in Preschool through High School (Lessons include alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, self-esteem, healthy decision making, peer pressure, refusal skills, etc).
- Primary and Secondary Intervention Groups (Anger Management, Children of Substance Abuse).
- S.A.D.D. (Students Against Destructive Decisions).
- S.A.P. (Student Assistance Program).
Community Programs
- Various presentations and resources provided to groups and organizations throughout the community, which include local churches, civic, and social groups, community organizations, colleges, schools, youth clubs, and other interested groups.
- Collaboration with local agencies and organizations to conduct activities and events that support our mission (i.e. participation on various committees such as, but not limited to, Child Advocacy Committee, Human Relations Committee, etc.).